Tuesday, 31 May 2016

First Few Days in the MTC! (First Book of Mormon and I'm a Zone Leader!)

Hello everyone!

I'm a bona fide missionary now with a name tag! I already emailed y'all about the airplane trip there, so now I'll talk about what happened after.

The flight to Salt Lake City was really cool. I saw huge mountains, deserts, lakes, and rivers on the way. The geography was crazy and I was mind blown. I never saw such big mountains before.

I met formerly Elder Nyman, now Daniel, at the airport. We went to Temple Square in downtown SLC and I saw a bunch of cool church sites including the Temple, the Conference Centre, visitor centres, the church history museum, the tabernacle, and a bunch of church sites. It was really cool. Seeing the Christus statue was amazing. As I looked at the statue I felt as if Jesus were looking down on me. There was also a video about the first vision that combined all the different accounts into one. It helped me better relate to Joseph Smith and strengthen my testimony that he restored the true church of Jesus Christ.

Daniel has a beautiful house and it's really big. There's also a sweet view of the mountains there. We drove down to the canyon and hiked there a bit. We went around a lake, but the trail was really slippery and muddy, so we couldn't turn back. We ended up crossing several streams at a dozen different points. We got a bit wet, but it was a fun adventure.

The next day we went to the Draper temple to do initiatories. It's a new temple, by a mountain and it was really nice. Utah's way different from Toronto: tons of huge mountains, less people, bunch of temples, and chapels everywhere! Lol there's also a bank called Zion's bank here. And no skyscrapers either.

We had a lunch at a buffet pizza place. The workers are all mormons, so missionaries all eat free. We then visited BYU campus. It was interesting how every building was named after a prophet. Way different than York haha!

Then the time arrived and I went up to the MTC. I said goodbye to Daniel and then they gave me my missionary name tag soon after. Woohoo!

Getting to the MTC

Howdy hey hey hey!

I made it through security in one piece. :P I'm waiting now for my plane to board and am using one of the tablets in a cafe.

I want to let you know that I love you and that I'll keep you in my heart always. Be happy, smile, and remember that I'm doing the Lord's work. Stay safe and healthy: I promise to take good care of myself too. ;)

Chloe, ponderizing this week is 1 Nephi 3:7. God will not give us a task that we cannot do. I can serve a mission and I will return home with honour. :)


Elder Felipe Daniel Gonzalez

AKA Elder Gonzalez 2.0

AKA The cooler, better, faster, stronger, handsomer, taller, and obviously more humble one. ;P

(You're still great Miguel haha xD)

P.S. Woohoo! Here we go! :D